Day 6
Dear Mum & Dad,

. Then I spend snatches of time exploring the memories and emotions left over; every now and then a sparkle of gold catches me.
Some memories make me laugh
Other memories make me shake my head and wonder what on earth you were thinking!
Then I think about our pets: cats, tortoise, fish, ,hamsters, rabbits and (tadpoles??); have I missed any? If there was an animal that needed a home and I found out about it, I was headed straight to you Dad – because I would feed it, and I would look after it!
I think I can attribute my love of big words to you Mum. You once furiously admonished (big words

I also remember being homesick whenever I was away from you. School camp, and others. I longed to be home, where I was harboured and anchored. You sheltered me and accepted me, creating a world for me that was safe.

This letter feels weird, suspended somewhere between funny and emotional, like it isn’t complete. There are so many things I would love to write but this just isn’t the place for it. The good thing is that I know I can say those things to you in person. I can tell you how much I love you and hug you. You will always be ‘home’ to the little girl inside of me and there is something very special about just being with you. Anytime and every time. I know I have been gifted with strong, loving, encouraging, loyal and supportive parents. I hope that I reflect the wonderful example you have always been to me.
I also hope Mum, that I never contradict you again.
I Love you both.
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